K.AMM Artistic Europe is a diverse Spanish theatre Association based in Madrid that works with young people from minority backgrounds and Madrid community using performing arts and creative media as a tool to empower, tackle social issues and raise awareness to open dialogue to build an inclusive and diverse community.

We work with national and internationally experienced Youth Workers, Global Youth Educators, well-known Artists in theatre and Film, Dancers and Choreographers, Playwrights, Singers and Musicians, Youth leaders and Young people who are passionate about youth and community development and are advocates of Human Rights and SDGs (sustainable development goals).

Our focus is centred around human rights education, inclusion, integration, youth and community development with the use of performing arts and creative media rooted in the UN Sustainable development goals ideology to attain an inclusive, diverse and integrated community on the the Personal, Local, National and Global level.

Meet the Team

  • Kelvin Akpaloo


    Kelvin Akpaloo is a dancer, spoken word artist, educator, and global youth worker. Justice-related concerns, the advancement of human rights issues, inclusion and the integration of minorities, community development, and youth development are all causes close to his heart.

    His credentials include a BA in media production management from DCU-Ireland, a Higher National Diploma in multimedia and web design, and a NUI Certificate in global youth work and development education from a Youth 2030 and Maynooth University-developed curriculum in Ireland.

  • Diana Abdo


    Diana Abdo, a film producer and a youth facilitator with a strong commitment to social inclusion, aims to create safe spaces for dialogue among diverse groups. Drawing from her personal experiences as an immigrant, she brings a unique perspective shaped by multicultural encounters.

    Diana's journey in youth engagement began with volunteering in Germany and has since involved participation in various Erasmus+ projects, including initiatives focused on reducing inequalities through art and dialogue. Her dedication to social inclusion is evident through her extensive volunteering experience and participation in training courses aimed at empowering marginalized groups.

  • Anaïs Cuña


    Anaïs Cuña is an actress, puppeteer, drama teacher, youth facilitator, and life drawing model. Committed to mental health, social inclusion, and the fight against inequalities, she uses art as a tool for youth development.

    Her relationship with the youth engagement started in 2019 teaching theatre to teenagers and participating in an Erasmus+ project focused on the advancement of human rights. She is currently part of the team of Teatro Para Abrazar, a project carried out in different hospitals in the Community of Madrid, in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry units. At the same time, her artistic career has always been linked to the creation of socially committed and thought-provoking theatre.

  • Ana Del Carmen


    She graduated from the Superior School of Dramatic Art in Málaga, specializing in musical Interpretation. She excels in her training in Commedia dell'Arte and dance, being part of various theater companies and artistic projects.

    Currently, she works as a theater teacher with the Actúa association and the Ochotumbao foundation, using performing arts as the primary means to explore emotions. She has been participating in Erasmus+ projects since 2017, learning and sharing experiences with people from diverse backgrounds. She complements her artistic profile with training as a technician in early childhood Education, aiming to employ a current, respectful, and effective methodology when working with children. Her experience and knowledge in performing arts and education converge on stage to share with others, promoting equality, resilience, respect, and continuous learning.

  • Xavier Vila


    Xavier Vila, born in Barcelona in 1987, is an actor trained in the Chekhov method and body mime. He holds a master's degree in mime and has explored various disciplines, including clowning and physical theater. A founding member of La Flor de Bip Theater Company, Xavier is known for his collaborative spirit and dedication to his craft. Currently based in Madrid, he works as both an interpreter with Cia Ventral and a body teacher at Bululú2120 school.


  • 1. Our aims are to develop shows, workshops local and international projects that will empower, inspire and activate members of the public especially young people to see art as a different channel to get their voices heard and also contribute to their personal development goals.

    2. We also aim to use art to eradicate violence and inequalities. Examples: Racism, Bullying, Homophobia, Transphobia, Islamaphobia, Gender inequality etc...

    3. UN declaration of human rights and Sustainable development Goals place a big part in our work. They help us deliver our message and empower everyone especially young people from marginalised backgrounds to view themselves as active global citizens.

    4. Unlocking people's minds to recognise the importance of art and culture in our communities both on a national and international level is something we also aim for.

    5. And finally we hope to develop members of the Spanish and international audience horizon in terms of art and creativity.

  • Our mission is to invite the young and old generations in Spain and outside Spain to view art as a powerful tool and a universal language that is understood by everyone as a way to create a diverse and integrative community on the Personal, Local, National and Global levels.

  • As an association , we host and collaborate with international organisations on European youth mobility activities (Erasmus + youth exchange, training course, study visits) that provides opportunities for young people in Spain to interact with other European youths that share the same values on global issues.

  • We provide different types of workshops in Spanish and English.

    1. Coaching courses: Acting, Directing, Voice (vocal) etc...

    2. Movement courses: Dance theatre, Contemporary dance (modern or afro), Body expression, Improve etc...

    3. Writing: Script writing, Spoken Words poetry, storytelling etc...

    4. Master Classes: Inviting theatre professionals to host workshops or a talk on our podcast.

Create art that makes people look at the world in a different way.