

One World Week is a week of youth-led awareness raising, education, critical engagement with issues, and action, and this video's release is a part of that week. Young people gain knowledge about regional, societal, and international justice issues during One World Week and take steps to effect change. This poem was written and edited by Kelvin Akpaloo (Vice-Chairperson on K.A.E) in collaboration with the National Youth Council of Ireland as part of their Youth 2030 program.

A program that aims to improve the integration, caliber, and reach of global youth work and development education in non-formal youth work organizations, programs, and organizations. Its objective is to develop a policy and practice environment that is empowering and transparent for international youth work at the national, European, and international levels.

Kelvin have been in constant collaboration with NYCI for numerous projects and it was a please for a member of K.A.E to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing organisation.


International Project: Bridges Not Walls - Doc


Climate Justice