Move To Connect.

MOVE TO CONNECT is a youth-led international dance project organized by KAMM Artistic Europe with the aim of using dance as a method to create continental connections and reduce inequalities between young people in Europe and Africa. This project offers young participants the opportunity to plan, create, and disseminate dance-related content while receiving supervision from Kelvin Akpaloo, KAMM Artistic Europe's Vice Chairperson and Creative Director. Communication for the project will take place through Zoom and WhatsApp, and participants' profiles will be showcased on K.A.E's website and social media platforms.


Participants Profile

About the Project.

  • Cultural Exchange: Foster cultural exchange between European and African youth through the medium of dance

    Reducing Inequalities: Address social inequalities by providing opportunities and platforms for young people from different backgrounds and countries.

    Youth Empowerment: Empower young individuals to lead and participate in a meaningful project that promotes artistic expression and cross-cultural understanding.

  • Collaboration: Bring together participants from Spain, Lithuania, Ghana, and Ukraine to work collaboratively on dance-related projects and activities.

    Skill Development: Enhance the dance and creative skills of participants through workshops and hands-on experience.

    Networking: Facilitate networking and relationship building among young dancers across continents.

    Content Creation: Produce and disseminate dance-related content that showcases the diverse talents and cultural richness of the participating countries.

  • By participating in MOVE TO CONNECT, young individuals can expect to achieve the following learning outcomes:

    Cultural Awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of the cultural nuances and traditions of the participating countries through dance and interaction with peers.

    Leadership Skills: Develop leadership and project management skills by actively participating in the planning and execution of dance-related projects.

    Interpersonal Skills: Improve communication and teamwork skills through collaboration with peers from different backgrounds.

    Artistic Growth: Enhance dance techniques and creative expression through workshops and guidance from experienced mentors.

    Global Perspective: Expand their global perspective and become more culturally sensitive individuals.

  • The countries involved in the MOVE TO CONNECT project are:





By bringing together participants from different continents and backgrounds, MOVE TO CONNECT aims to create a platform for creativity, cultural exchange, and personal growth, ultimately contributing to stronger connections and reduced inequalities between young people in Europe and Africa through the universal language of dance.


Project: Afrochat


Collab: Young Voices of Africa