Bridging Communities through Art: The 'Bridges! Not Walls' Project (RACE & ORIGIN).

Bridging Communities through Art: The 'Bridges! Not Walls' Project

In its fourth year, the 'Bridges! Not Walls' storytelling project continues to make waves in promoting social cohesion and understanding through the power of art. This year's (2023) focus on Sustainable Development Goal 10 - Reducing Inequality, specifically exploring the themes of migration, race, and origin, was guided by the vision of Eurobug International Youth Work and Collaboration Ltd and supported by KAMM Artistic Europe. The project's development and implementation were led by Eurobug creative director and KAMM Artistic Europe’s Chairperson Kelvin Akpaloo and KAMM Artistic Europe’s Project Manager Diana Abdo, along with the collaborative efforts of Robert Nerserky and Ania from our German partners, CGE: Culture Goes Europe.

Embracing Diversity through Performance Art

'Bridges! Not Walls' thrives on the dedication of its key figures. Kelvin Akpaloo and Diana Abdo, in conjunction with Robert Nerserky and Ania, steered the project towards meaningful engagements that brought together international migrants, musicians, artists, and local activists. Their collective efforts laid the foundation for workshops and creative sessions that facilitated the co-creation of performances exploring the shared experiences, struggles, and triumphs related to migration, race, and origin.

Collaborative Leadership and International Partnerships

The success of 'Bridges! Not Walls' is a testament to collaborative leadership and strong partnerships. Kelvin Akpaloo and Diana Abdo's dedication to the project's vision has been complemented by the active involvement of youth leaders and workers from partner organizations in Georgia, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal, and Germany. This multinational collaboration has enriched the project's cultural tapestry, ensuring a holistic representation of perspectives.

Support from Governmental and Organizational Allies

Behind the scenes, the project is bolstered by crucial support. Co-financing from the European Union through Leargas and the federal children and youth plan via the Thuringian Ministry for Education, Youth, and Sport provides the necessary financial backing. The European Youth Education and Youth Meeting Center Weimar (EJBW) contributes essential resources, while Eurobug International Youth Work Ltd and CGE Erfurt eV, in cooperation with five international youth NGOs, manage the logistical aspects, ensuring smooth operations.

Building Bridges for a Brighter Future

As 'Bridges! Not Walls' enters its fourth year, the dedication of Kelvin Akpaloo, Diana Abdo, Robert Nerserky, Ania, and the collaborative efforts of youth leaders and workers from partner organizations continue to shape its impactful narrative. The project stands as a testament to the transformative power of art and community engagement, showcasing how collective creativity can bridge divides and foster a more inclusive and equitable society.

Through the fusion of creative expression, collaborative leadership, and international partnerships, 'Bridges! Not Walls' exemplifies the potential for positive social change. As the project sets the stage for a brighter, more harmonious future, it inspires us all to come together and build bridges that connect us, regardless of our backgrounds or origins.


Voces de Mujers—Reclaiming Our Space


A Creative Extravaganza: Recap of the Grand Opening of KAMM Artistic Europe.