Purpose in Practice -

The Why-How-Journey"


04-12 October, 2024 (Graus, Spain) and 20-28 February, 2025 (Bremen, Germany).


The concept for this two-part training course has emerged in response to requests from young people to develop competences in non-formal education and facilitation - in a creative environment that isn’t focused on specific methods but on developing skills in response to objectives, reviewing the initial principles of non-formal education. The first part in October focuses on non-formal education and workshop design and the second part in February on developing the participants’ competences as facilitators. In between the training courses, the participants are expected to carry out a small local activity (such as a workshop), supported by the organisations located in their country of residence.

Aim of the training course.

To encourage young people to take an active role in promoting equality, human rights and empowerment of others in their communities through non-formal education activities.

Learning objectives .


To develop participants’ skills in designing, implementing and evaluating non-formal education workshops.


To build participants' confidence as agents of change in their communities.


To motivate participants to continue volunteering and working as educators.


To create an international peer support network.


To foster the personal and professional development of the participants.


To support the development of intercultural competence and to carry out activities in an intercultural context.

Target Group

Young People from all backgrounds

18+ living Spain.

  • Young people living Spain and have experience in participating in international non-formal education activities and who have tried facilitating some sessions

  • If you know what a workshop or youth exchange looks like and would like to acquire or develop your skills in designing your own workshops based on the principles of non-formal education.

If the above information is related to you then this is the right programme for you! We pay particular attention to providing access for all and would like to encourage you to get in touch with us in case you feel like there is any kind of barrier in your way.

Transportation , Accommodation and Food will all be covered.

Locations for each Training Course.

(Graus, Spain)

04-12 October, 2024.

(Bremen, Germany)

20-28 February, 2025

Enjoy the view.

The videos below showcase the beautiful cities of Graus - Spain and Bremen - Germany where the projects are going to take place.

Organisations involve in this project.

  • KAMM Artistic Europe.


  • ServiceBureau.


  • Eurobug International.



Participatory Performing Arts