About the project.

"Voces de Mujers—Reclaiming Our Space" is an empowering and thought-provoking event aimed at highlighting the often overlooked contributions of women throughout history and in contemporary society. The event seeks to address the disparity in recognition between men and women by creating a platform where women's voices are amplified and celebrated.

The goal of the project.

    1. Raise awareness about the historical and ongoing marginalization of women in various fields.

    2. Showcase the achievements and contributions of women from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

    3. Empower women by providing them with a platform to share their stories and experiences.

    4. Promote gender equality and inclusivity in the arts and society at large.

    5. Foster dialogue and community engagement around issues of gender representation and recognition.

    1. The audience will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by women in different societies and historical periods.

    2. The audience will be inspired by the stories of resilience and achievement shared by the featured women.

    3. The audience will reflect on their own perceptions and biases regarding gender roles and representation.

    4. The audience will engage in meaningful discussions about strategies for promoting gender equality and amplifying women's voices.

  • The event will attract a diverse audience, including members of the local community, activists, artists, educators, and anyone interested in gender equality and women's empowerment. The event is open to people of all genders and ages who wish to support the cause of women's rights and recognition.



All the actresses in this project are professionals in their own fields and share a deep connection with the topic of the event from their own perspectives. Their diverse backgrounds and expertise converge to amplify the aim of Voces de Mujer—reclaiming our space. Through their performances, they embody the essence of the event, bringing forth nuanced interpretations and personal insights that resonate with the collective mission of empowering women in the arts.

  • Biography

    Mónica Sastre is a model and dancer, and is training as a lighting technician and camera crew assistant. Since she was a child, she has always been very connected to music and art in general. For years, she has been working on personal artistic projects related to the audiovisual or photographic world.

  • Biography

    René Martín, born in Seville, always had a passion for the arts and at the age of sixteen, she achieved her first artistic achievement: publishing a book. Before focusing completely on acting and due to family pressure, she studied a double degree in Law and Criminology and a master's degree in Human Rights. In her spare time she took different acting courses until she met what she considers her first drama teacher. During the pandemic she decided to move to South Korea and started her modelling career there. She then studied in London for six months (Fourth Monkey and City Academy). Currently she continues to grow with her own projects and work on dramaturgy and scriptwriting.

  • Biography

    Sara Carrasco was born in Valencia but moved to Madrid to study acting. She studied for two years at the film and theatre school Metrópolis and one year at La Joven, doing creative training. She has experience participating in micro-theatre, musical theatre and short films. She would love to continue training in camera and improvisation.

  • Biography

    Bea Peña studied textual interpretation at the ESAD in Málaga. She has performed in plays with the company Aula Negra, the last play was performed in Ecuador, thanks to which they received a scholarship and produced Enzootia, which was performed both in several cities in Ecuador and in Madrid. She has worked as a casting assistant and is currently studying production management.

  • Biography

    Anaïs Cuña is an actress, puppeteer, drama teacher, youth facilitator, and life drawing model. Committed to mental health, social inclusion, and the fight against inequalities, she uses art as a tool for youth development.

    Her relationship with youth engagement started in 2019 when she started teaching theatre to teenagers and participating in an Erasmus+ project focused on the advancement of human rights. She is currently part of the team of Teatro Para Abrazar, a project carried out in different hospitals in the Community of Madrid, in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry units. At the same time, her artistic career has always been linked to the creation of socially committed and thought-provoking theatre.

  • Biography

    Lara Bertani began her theatrical training at the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Málaga in 2016, where she participated in productions such as "El Gran Teatro del Mundo" Dir. Blanca Vega, "Amadeus" Dir. Inma Ruiz, etc.

    Among others, she has participated in courses of interpretation in front of the camera with the Checkhov technique in the Estudio Di Pace and the annual course of scenic creation of the Grumelot company. She has also taken intensive courses with Yolanda Vega, the company La Tarara, the Fango collective and Poliana Lima.

    In 2021 she founded the company "Producciones Aratika" with which she produced the play "Como si fuera esta noche" by Gracia Morales, which was performed in several theaters in Madrid.


All our collaborators bring their professional expertise and a profound personal connection to the theme of the event, enriching it with their diverse perspectives. Together, they contribute to the realization of the aim of Voces de Mujer—reclaiming our space. Through their collective efforts, they help amplify the voices of women in the arts, fostering empowerment and inclusivity within our creative community.

  • Elvin


  • Colectivo La Nevera

    Dance Collective

  • Vanessa Martins




Part 1

Starts and Finish at:

18:00 - 18:50

In Part 1, the spotlight shines on KAMM, the association, fostering dialogue between hosts, guests, and the audience. The discussion delves into the project's central themes, complemented by a mesmerizing dance performance by the all-female collective, Colectivo La Nevera. Throughout the evening, Elvin will curate the musical ambiance, ensuring a seamless fusion of sound and movement.


Starts and Finish at:

18:50 - 19:00

A brief break for refreshments, with complimentary drinks and snacks provided by the venue.

Part 2

Starts and Finish at:

19:05 - 20:00

Part 2 unfolds. Here, the spotlight shifts to a photo gallery featuring the work of five extraordinary female photographers. Meanwhile, the stage comes alive with monologues delivered by seven talented actresses, embodying the personas of historical and inspirational women who have left an indelible mark on our world. As the evening progresses, Elvin will continue to set the tone with carefully selected music, enhancing the atmosphere and elevating the experience for all audience members.

Update about the event.

The Dialouge

The panel and audience engaged in thoughtful dialogue about the meaning of womanhood, celebrating women's contributions, and addressing the challenges and issues they face. This enriching conversation fostered a deeper understanding and connection among everyone present, creating a supportive and empowering atmosphere.

The exhibition featuring the work of five talented female photographers added a visual dimension to the event, capturing diverse perspectives on womanhood, empowerment, and societal challenges. Their compelling images enriched the atmosphere, sparking meaningful conversations and reflections among attendees.

The Exhibition

The Photographers.

We were privileged to host an event featuring five remarkable female photographers from Spain and Germany. They showcased their work, delving into the profound meanings and representations behind each piece.

  • Biography .

    Diana Abdo, originally from Crimea, Ukraine and now calling Berlin home, approaches photography with a profound appreciation for the genuine essence of human beings. Her lens serves as a conduit for capturing individuals as they perceive themselves, celebrating their unique authenticity and inner radiance. Through her work, she invites viewers to witness the innate beauty within each person, challenging societal norms and nurturing a deeper appreciation for diversity and self-expression.

  • Biography .

    Jaqueline Larsen, hailing from Argentina but residing in Madrid, Spain, infuses her photographs with a poignant exploration of femininity, identity, and societal constructs. Her lens captures the resilience and beauty of women amidst the backdrop of urban landscapes, inviting viewers to contemplate the complexities of womanhood.

  • Biography .

    Lisa-Sophie Kempke, based in Berlin, Germany, approaches her photography with a keen eye for the intersectionality of identities and experiences. Her vibrant compositions and thought-provoking visuals challenge conventional notions of gender and power dynamics, amplifying the voices of those often marginalized and silenced.

  • Biography .

    Lucía Alonso Herranz, based in Madrid, Spain, employs her photography as a tool for social commentary and introspection. Through her intimate portraits and candid snapshots, she sheds light on the multifaceted experiences of women navigating personal and collective struggles, offering a glimpse into the human condition.

  • Biography

    Vanessa Martins, coming from Venezuela, brings her unique perspective to the exhibition with a distinct visual storytelling approach. Her photographs unveil the intricacies of everyday life, celebrating the strength and resilience of women in the face of adversity, capture their essence and soul. Currently studying Contemporary Dance, Vanessa intertwines her passion for movement with her visual storytelling.

Colectivo la Nevera took the stage an captivated the audience with their powerful performance. They showcased their piece "We Are Here", an artistic proposal inspired by Mexico City's dense urban environment. It explored the blurring of individual boundaries and the collective transformation from "I" to "We" through movement and speech.

The dance Performance

The Acting and Music

The actresses who performed at the event brought to life inspiring women who have made, and continue to make, significant changes in the world. Their captivating performances created an engaging atmosphere, inspiring and resonating with everyone in attendance.

Elvin, the event's DJ, skillfully curated the music, setting a vibrant atmosphere that welcomed everyone and encouraged them to relax, have fun, and truly enjoy the event.

Images from the event.

Our partners who supported and contributed to the event.




Empowerment Through Lens